Thursday, June 10, 2010

Our Story....

Justin and I were first introduced by our friend, Nicole. Justin was living in Phoenix and I was living in Snowflake. Nicole gave Justin my phone number in May 2009. We began text messaging. We wanted to meet. However, we lived several hours apart. So...we just became texting buddies. It wasn't until Christmas time, that we finally met. I had moved back to Utah and Justin came home to Utah for Christmas with his family. It was the week of Christmas and I was getting ready to travel to Snowflake for the holiday. Nicole and I decided to celebrate my birthday early with a trip to Temple Square to see the Christmas lights. That's where the planning began. Nicole invited Justin to go with "a group of friends" to Temple Square. He said yes. Nicole had told me that he was coming, but did not make a big deal out of it. We drove to Justin's house to pick him up. I got so nervous to meet him, I had to pee. When we got to Justin's house, I jumped out of the car, ran up to the house and said, "Hi. I'm Krystal. I have to pee." I know.... great first impression. He showed me into his house. In the mean time, Nicole announced to Justin than this "group evening" was really a set up to introduce the two of us. So, we went to Temple Square. Justin and I had a great time talking. We really enjoyed one another. We were definitely interested....but still living a long distance from each other.

(Temple Square Dec. 20th 2009)
After our "set up", Justin and I began talking more. We began emailing, talking on the phone, and texting over the next couple months. During February, I was at Nicole's house. She asked how things were going with Justin and asked if he'd be home for Easter. I hadn't Nicole decided to take matters into her own hands. The next thing I know.... she had invited Justin to go home with me for Easter. And to my surprises.....HE'D SAID YES!!! Seriously???? I was in shock....and SO NERVOUS! So, Justin came home with me for Easter vacation. We had fun getting to know each other more. ( And Justin fell in LOVE ) This is when Justin says he knew he was going to marry me. I was just trying to make it through the weekend without embarassing myself too much.

(Easter Sunday-April 4th, 2010)

Well....Justin moved back to Utah 2 weeks later. We began dating.....and have spent almost everyday together since. Justin "unofficially proposed" on May 20th. And he "officially proposed" on May 30th, 2010. I said YES...and here we are today. Happily engaged and planning our wedding!

(Mini Golf May 2010)
(The Ring)


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